
A SONG PARODY Assalamualaikum and Hi guys ! I have a new assignment that i have done,which is doing a parody about topic 3 is INTERNET TECHNOLOGY.This assignment must be to doing by group.My group have 4 members which is Haris senoi,Aidiel JPP,Shaznul and I. My group doing a song parody about Basic Concept of  Network.Song parody for our group just around 3 minutes and if you want watch our song parody,you can click on   . Don't forget to described :)
Assalamualaikum, how are u guys ? i hope u all fine :) Today i will share about motherboard. The motherboard is the main circuit board of the computer. The functions of motherboard: 1)Holds many components of the system 2)Provides connectors for other peripherals. The basic components of motherboard:                                                                MOTHERBOARD PROCESSOR SLOT                                                                                   MEMORY SLOTS ADAPTER CARD SLOTS                                                                 thanks for visit my blog,hope u enjoy !                                                                                                               
MIND MAP  Assalamualaikum guys,this is mind map for assignment 2 for subject computer science.I hope this mind map can give you more information about computer science :)  


Assalamualaikum warrohmatuallah hiwabarakatuh, hi guys ! :)     This is my first blog.I'm the new one in blogger .I'm sure all of you want to know who I am :') right ? hehehehehe. Let me introduce myself,the given name is Muhammad harraz bin harun. I'm still young and many sins that i had created :'( , I know who I am, I maybe look good because Allah hide my bad do.Now Im studied at Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor(KMS) and Im in module 3(SM3K2T1).The objectives I do blog is for my assingment computer science .That's all about me guys !